Welcome to Pymoe’s documentation!

This is Pymoe. The only python library you’ll need if you need information on Anime, Manga, Live Novels, or Visual Novels.

Installing the Module

If you want version 2, you can simply:
python -m pip install pymoe

If you are looking for version 1.0.6, the version prior to the unified api update:
python -m pip install pymoe==1.0.6

You can also clone the branch and build it directly:
git clone https://github.com/ccubed/PyMoe.git
python -m pip install -e .

Note that this project does not use a setup.py. It uses a modern buildsystem: Flit. You’ll need a recent version of setuptools and pip with support for pyproject.toml and a specified build pipeline.

Assuming you have flit you can:
git clone https://github.com/ccubed/PyMoe.git
flit install

Indices and tables