Source code for Pymoe.ln.get

import re
import requests
import ujson
from collections import OrderedDict
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
from ...errors import serverError, serializationFailed

settings = {
    'apiurl': "",
    'header': {
        'User-Agent': 'Pymoe ('
    'active': 56132,
    'compiledRegex': {
        'chapter': re.compile("volume|chapter", re.I),
        'separate': re.compile("(volume|chapter) (?P<chapter>[0-9]{1,2})", re.I)

[docs]def cover(pageid: str): """ Get a cover image given a page id. :param str pageid: The pageid for the light novel you want a cover image for :return str: the image url or None """ r = requests.get( settings['apiurl'], params = { 'action': 'query', 'prop': 'pageimages', 'pageids': pageid, 'format': 'json' }, headers = settings['header'] ) try: jsd = ujson.loads(r.text) except ValueError: raise serializationFailed(r.text, r.status_code) else: if 'pageimage' in jsd['query']['pages'][str(pageid)]: # pageid can be returned as an int image = "File:" + jsd['query']['pages'][str(pageid)]['pageimage'] r = requests.get( settings['apiurl'], params={ 'action': 'query', 'prop': 'imageinfo', 'iiprop': 'url', 'titles': image, 'format': 'json' }, headers = settings['header'] ) try: jsd = ujson.loads(r.text) except ValueError: return None else: return jsd['query']['pages'][list(jsd['query']['pages'].keys())[0]]['imageinfo'][0]['url'] else: return None
[docs]def active(): """ Get a list of active projects. :return list: A list of tuples containing a title and pageid in that order. """ projects = [] r = requests.get( settings['apiurl'], params={ 'action': 'query', 'list': 'categorymembers', 'cmpageid': settings['active'], 'cmtype': 'page', 'cmlimit': '500', 'format': 'json' }, headers = settings['header'] ) if r.status_code == 200: jsd = ujson.loads(r.text) projects.append([(x['title'], x['pageid']) for x in jsd['query']['categorymembers']]) if 'query-continue' in jsd: while True: r = requests.get( settings['apiurl'], params={ 'action': 'query', 'list': 'categorymembers', 'cmpageid': settings['active'], 'cmtype': 'page', 'cmlimit': '500', 'cmcontinue': jsd['query-continue']['categorymembers']['cmcontinue'], 'format': 'json' }, headers = settings['header'] ) if r.status_code == 200: jsd = ujson.loads(r.text) projects.append([(x['title'], x['pageid']) for x in jsd['query']['categorymembers']]) if 'query-continue' not in jsd: break else: break return projects[0]
[docs]def chapters(title: str): """ Get a list of chapters for a visual novel. Keep in mind, this can be slow. I've certainly tried to make it as fast as possible, but it's still pulling text out of a webpage. :param str title: The title of the novel you want chapters from :return OrderedDict: An OrderedDict which contains the chapters found for the visual novel supplied """ r = requests.get( "{}".format(title.replace(' ','_')), headers = settings['header'] ) if r.status_code != 200: raise serverError(r.text, r.status_code) else: parsed = soup(r.text, 'html.parser') dd = parsed.find_all('a') volumes = [] for link in dd: if 'class' in link.attrs: if 'image' in link.get('class'): continue if 'href' in link.attrs: if['compiledRegex']['chapter'], link.get('href')) is not None and not link.get('href').startswith("#"): volumes.append(link) seplist = OrderedDict() for item in volumes: if 'title' in item.attrs: result =['compiledRegex']['separate'], item.get('title').lower()) else: result =['compiledRegex']['separate'], item.text.lower()) if result and result.groups(): if'chapter').lstrip('0') in seplist: seplist['chapter').lstrip('0')].append( [ item.get('href'), item.get('title') if 'title' in item.attrs else item.text ] ) else: seplist['chapter').lstrip('0')] = [ [ item.get('href'), item.get('title') if 'title' in item.attrs else item.text ] ] return seplist