Source code for Pymoe.anime.get.anilist

from datetime import date
import ujson
import requests
from ....errors import serializationFailed, serverError, methodNotSupported
from ....helpers import whatSeason

settings = {
    'header': {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'User-Agent': 'Pymoe (',
        'Accept': 'application/json'
    'apiurl': ''

[docs]def character(item_id : int): """ Get a character with a certain ID in the anilist API. :param item_id: The ID of the character you want information on. """ query_string = ''' query ($id: Int){ Character (id: $id){ name{ full } image { large medium } description gender age siteUrl media{ nodes{ id idMal title { romaji english native } coverImage { extraLarge large medium color } siteUrl } } } } ''' r = settings['apiurl'], headers = settings['header'], json={ 'query': query_string, 'variables': { 'id': item_id } } ) try: jsd = ujson.loads(r.text) except ValueError: raise serializationFailed(r.text, r.status_code) else: if 'errors' in jsd: raise serverError(r.text, r.status_code) else: return jsd
[docs]def show(item_id : int): """ Get a show with a certain ID in the anilist API. :param item_id: The ID of the show you want information on. """ query_string = ''' query ($id: Int) { Media (id: $id, type: ANIME) { title { romaji english native } startDate { year month day } endDate { year month day } coverImage { extraLarge large medium color } bannerImage format status episodes season seasonYear description averageScore meanScore genres synonyms isAdult siteUrl nextAiringEpisode { timeUntilAiring airingAt } streamingEpisodes { title thumbnail url site } externalLinks{ url site language } characters { nodes { id name { first last } image { large medium } description gender age siteUrl } } } } ''' r = settings['apiurl'], headers = settings['header'], json={ 'query': query_string, 'variables': { 'id': item_id } } ) try: jsd = ujson.loads(r.text) except ValueError: raise serializationFailed(r.text, r.status_code) else: if 'errors' in jsd: raise serverError(r.text, r.status_code) else: return jsd
[docs]def season(theSeason : str = None, year : int =, page : int = 1, perPage : int = 3): """ Get a list of seasonal anime given a season and year. :param theSeason: What Season? See pymoe.helpers for a list of seasons. :param year: What year do you want info on? :param page: Which page of results do you want? :param perPage: How many results per page? TODO: Test return data on this """ myseason = theSeason if theSeason else whatSeason( query_string = ''' query($season: MediaSeason, $seasonYear: Int, $page: Int, $perPage: Int){ Page (page: $page, perPage: $perPage) { pageInfo { currentPage hasNextPage } media (season: $season, seasonYear: $seasonYear){ id idMal title description genres coverImage isAdult nextAiringEpisode { timeUntilAiring airingAt } startDate streamingEpisodes { title thumbnail url site } siteUrl externalLinks { url site language } } } } ''' r = settings['apiurl'], headers = settings['header'], json={ 'query': query_string, 'variables': { 'season': myseason, 'seasonYear': year, 'page': page, 'perPage': perPage } } ) try: jsd = ujson.loads(r.text) except ValueError: raise serializationFailed(r.text, r.status_code) else: if 'errors' in jsd: raise serverError(r.text, r.status_code) else: return jsd
[docs]def episode(item_id : int): """ Unsupported on Anilist """ raise methodNotSupported("pymoe.anime.get.anilist.episode", "anilist")
[docs]def streaming(item_id : int, page : int = 1, perPage : int = 3): ''' Given a show ID, return all streaming links for that show. Unlike Kitsu, this returns one streaming link per episode per service. :param item_id: The ID of the show you want streaming links for ''' query_string = ''' query ($id: Int) { Media(id: $id){ streamingEpisodes { title thumbnail url site } } } ''' r = settings['apiurl'], headers = settings['header'], json={ 'query': query_string, 'variables': { 'id': item_id } } ) try: jsd = ujson.loads(r.text) except ValueError: raise serializationFailed(r.text, r.status_code) else: if 'errors' in jsd: raise serverError(r.text, r.status_code) else: return jsd
[docs]def staff(item_id : int): """ Get information on a specific staffer given their ID. :param item_id: The ID of the staff member you want information on. """ query_string = ''' query ($id: Int){ Staff (id: $id){ name { full } languageV2 image { large medium } description primaryOccupations gender dateOfBirth { year month day } dateOfDeath { year month day } age homeTown yearsActive siteUrl staffMedia{ nodes { id idMal title { romaji english native } coverImage { extraLarge large medium color } siteUrl } } characters{ nodes { name { full } image { large medium } age siteUrl media { nodes { id idMal title { romaji english native } coverImage { extraLarge large medium color } siteUrl } } } } } } ''' r = settings['apiurl'], headers = settings['header'], json={ 'query': query_string, 'variables': { 'id': item_id } } ) try: jsd = ujson.loads(r.text) except ValueError: raise serializationFailed(r.text, r.status_code) else: if 'errors' in jsd: raise serverError(r.text, r.status_code) else: return jsd
[docs]def studio(item_id : int): """ Get a studio with a specific id. :param item_id: The ID of the studio you want information on. """ query_string = ''' query ($id: Int) { Studio (id: $id) { name siteUrl media { nodes { id idMal title { romaji english native } coverImage { extraLarge large medium color } siteUrl } } } } ''' r = settings['apiurl'], headers = settings['header'], json={ 'query': query_string, 'variables': { 'id': item_id } } ) try: jsd = ujson.loads(r.text) except ValueError: raise serializationFailed(r.text, r.status_code) else: if 'errors' in jsd: raise serverError(r.text, r.status_code) else: return jsd